Endometriosis awareness and action 2022

Endometriosis Awareness takes place across the globe during the month of March with a mission to raise awareness of a disease which affects an estimated 200 million worldwide.

The pain of endometriosis can be devastating; it is the biggest cause of infertility in women, and carries a huge personal and societal burden!

Together we are poised to take action on behalf of those affected by endometriosis.

Please join in and be part of the global solution!
How are you and your organisation going to make a difference? Email us your activities and together we can truly make a difference!


For Endometriosis Awareness month Endometriosis Western Australia want YOU to fill social media with yellow to raise awareness of endometriosis. Your photos can be anything yellow, from manicures and dyed hair, to a sunset or flowers. Tag us @endometriosis_wa on Instagram and use the hashtag: #YellowforEndo, and we will share it!

Throughout the month, keep your eye on EndometriosisWA’s Instagram and Facebook for our collaboration with a local Endometriosis Specialist, Dr Rose McDonnell, where she answers questions from our endoWArrior community.

EndometriosisWA’s Secretary, Tegan Phillips is presenting at Perth Networking Club’s event for International Women’s Day to encourage discussions around the impact of endometriosis, as well as providing an overview of the services provided by EndometriosisWA. 50% of ticket sales are being donated to EndometriosisWA.

→ Purchase tickets here


On 12 March, we are happy to announce the second year of hosting a free, full-day, online congress on endometriosis.

We know how complex the effects of endometriosis can be and therefor want to offer knowledge from experts of various fields: medical, surgical and fertility treatment options, psychology, physiology, dietology, self-care, and sexuality. Feel free to join!

Full programme


The Endometriosis Adenomyosis Society of Bangladesh are observing EndoMarch 2022 to raise awareness, including:

Social media: 8 awareness programmes
Scientific webinars: 3
Dissemination of 600 ESHRE guidelines to doctors
Dissemination of 200 awareness stand banners in different medical colleges
Dissemination of 600 t-shirts, masks, and caps for the awareness rally


This year for the second time, the Endometriosis and Reproductive Health Foundation in Bulgaria is organising a Virtual Endometriosis Patient conference, called Myths and truths about endometriosis that will take place on 19 and 20 March 2022. The conference will bring together the medical and holistic expertise in the field of endometriosis, as well as experts from various fields, in an attempt to shutter the myths about the disease.

The following topics will be included: the latest research on endometriosis, differential diagnosis and endometriosis, the importance of the relationship between the medical specialist and the patient, how pregnancy actually affects endometriosis, endometriosis and the microbiome – how diet affects endometriosis, the bio-individual approach towards endometriosis, endometriosis and sleep, pelvic physiotherapy, endometriosis in the workplace.

More information about the event

In addition, the Foundation is also running a campaign, providing free specialised medical exams for women with endometriosis and adenomyosis in March and April 2022. Big hospitals and several clinics specialised in women’s health across the country are partnering the campaign.

For more information

Furthermore, the Foundation will be doing a series of awareness raising activities, such as disseminating an informative video about the myths and truths about endometriosis,  publishing personal stories of women living with the disease and articles by medical specialists.


Join The Endometriosis Network Canada on Facebook Live @TheEndoNetwork on Saturday, 26 March 2022 (at 1 pm ET) for the Virtual EndoMarch Canada 2022.

Discover the immeasurable impact of connection, community and celebration as we come together from around the world to honour, support and advocate for those affected by endometriosis.

More information


Endometriosis week 21 – 27 March 2022 in Finland

The aim of the theme week is to encourage open discussion about endometriosis, as well as to highlight how large a number of people are affected by it. There are up to 200,000 people living with endometriosis in Finland, but despite its prevalence, the disease is unknown to many and the delay in diagnosis is still 6-9 years.

The theme for 2022 is a life cycle – how a gynaecological disease like endometriosis can have an impact throughout the whole course of one’s life. We are painting the country yellow with lectures, webinars, social media posts, and by sharing stories and marching together in three different cities. The week is organised yearly by the national gynaecological patient organisation Korento ry.

Events are in Finnish.

The events’ programme 


EndoFrance has more than 70 events lined up for March across all of the country.
List of events (dates / times / location)

On 28 March the EndoFrance team will release a visual novel called l’Endométriose de Clara.

This book is about understanding endometriosis when you are 15-25 years old.  Clara’s story has been written based on testimonials gathered by EndoFrance’s volunteers during their numerous meetings with patients organised on the entire French territory.  Through this book, Dunod Editions and EndoFrance are willing to take an active role in raising awareness amongst the young public, parents, as well as educational teams (school’ nurses, school’ sport coaches, teachers, etc… ) who are daily in contact with this target group.


Interviews on radio and TV channels during March; live talks, webinars on Instagram and Facebook, podcast; social media campaign with influencers; fundraising campaigns with companies; cooperation with the WHO; common social media campaign under the umbrella of the FEMaLe project; profile picture frame which can be used by anyone

We are looking for the Endo Ambassador 2022. The candidates should write an article, make a video, webinar, podcast and share on social media. The titel of the competition is: Lost days.

More information 

  • Our yoga collection will start in March: yoga dress and yoga met. This is a cooperation with a young lady, a yoga teacher (https://selonsophie.hu/)
  • we join tho the worldwide EndoMarch project with a video
  • by the end of March we would like to have the signed – by the government -the Hungarian Endometriosis Strategy


EndoMarch events across Hungary: Budapest, Pécs, Szeged, Győr, Debrecen, Zalaegerszeg, about 600-700 participants who will join personally, but after the events de presentations will be available on our youtube and podcast channel. During this month we will organise presentations, workshops about endometriosis also in schools and at companies.

  • on 6 March community cooking – fundraising event at the first ruin bar of Hungary.
  • on 8 March endometriosis experts give yellow tulips to patients on International Women’s Day, this is now a 6 year old tradition

More information

There will be a travelling exhibition during March as well. The work of the photographer Petra Szepesvari will travel around Hungary: schools, EndoMarch events, painting schools.

Our Endo Ambassador Jordi, who’s wife is suffering from endometriosis will cycle from Budapest on Vienna on 26 March.

Endo Book: Lost Days. Stories about Endometriosis.

The book summarises the personal stories of those affected and includes professional contributions. The book also features famous people who speak publicly about their disease. The book also includes the normal cycle, menstruation, and the Lucy App.

There will be a Fundraising Cocktail Party at the end of March


The ICMR National Institute for Research in Reproductive and Child Health (NIRRCH) together with the Endometriosis Clinical and Genetic Research India (ECGRI) are celebrating endometriosis awareness with a series of activities across multiple provinces in India from 2 through 10 March.

More information


As usual, we organised several events throughout Italy during March 2022 for endometriosis awareness month.

Vetrine consapevoli – Aware shop windows competition. In the month of March shopkeepers are invited to decorate their shop windows with the colours and the material of A.P.E. ODV and the endometriosis awareness month, as well as displaying information material in their shop. Photos of the windows will be published on social media so the public can vote for the best ones, which will receive a prize at the end of the month.

More information

Comprendendo – Endometriosis: information in schools. This is a long-running series of presentations with experts and a Q&A session aimed at high school students, which have proven a great success among young girls and women.

Schedule of events


In Nigeria, EndoSurvivors International Foundation is having 3 major activities to commemorate the Endometriosis Awareness and Action Month:

On 12 March, we are hosting Walk/Cycle4Endo: a 10km cycling and 5km walk to raise awareness about endometriosis in Lagos State.

On 24 March, we are hosting our 4th Annual Symposium themed: “The Role of Imaging in Diagnosing Endometriosis”

On 29 March, we are reaching out to 500 secondary school girls to teach them the symptoms of endometriosis so they can present early to their doctors. At ESIF, we are particular about approaches and strategies to reduce diagnostic delays. We believe that early diagnosis could help limit disease progression, decrease morbidity and reduce risk of infertility.


The Norwegian Endometriosis Association (Endometrioseforeningen) celebrates its 25th anniversary this March, and we will therefore mark the Endometriosis Awareness and Action Month in style. We have a lot of exiting collaborations lined up with different well known and lesser-known Norwegian brands and businesses. They will help us reach a much bigger audience, spread awareness and knowledge, and shine a much-needed light on women’s health issues. These collaborations will be publicised throughout March.

We will also host our annual March meet up on 12 March (12.00-15.00 CET) with a bigger event than usual. We are inviting members and non-members to joins us for a couch-talk with a panel where a journalist and influencer, a politician, a doctor, a patient relative, and of course our chairman of the board, will discuss why it seems like it takes forever to get diagnosed when you are a woman in Norway. The event, Undiagnosed and Frustrated? Why Does it Take so Long for Women to Get Proper Medical Aid?, will also feature a presentation from The Norwegian Relatives’ Alliance.

We will end our event with our very fist award ceremony! The Norwegian Endometriosis Association have decided to start an annual award ceremony, where we will lift both private endometriosis and adenomyosis patients who have shared their story with the Norwegian population through the media, as well as more known people who have made an extraordinary effort to bring attention to the endometriosis cause.

More information
→ The event will also be live streamed in our closed members group on Facebook

We are also hoping to publish a short documentary about endometriosis aimed at the younger endometriosis warriors, later in March. It will be made available online, and more information will be published on our social media pages and our webpage.


Hereby our agenda for March:

Di 1-3Dealen met endometriose, hoe dan? (1-3 t/m 1-3) (19:30 – 20:30)
Lees meer…
Di 8-3Endometriose in het dagelijks leven. (8-3 t/m 8-3) (19:30 – 20:30)
Lees meer…
Wo 9-3Welke behandeling past bij jou? (9-3 t/m 9-3) (19:00 – 20:30)
Met als gastsprekers Dr. M Herman en Dr. J.W. van der Steeg van het Jeroen Bosch Ziekenhuis.
(Inschrijven uit het buitenland? Stuur een mail endolounge@endometriose.nl)
Voor het inschrijven via de app, klik op de onderstaande link.Lees meer…
Vr 11-3Meet-Up Endometriose in AMC (11-3 t/m 11-3) (14:00 – 15:30)
Lees meer… / Email
Di 15-3Je sociale leven onderhouden en endometriose (15-3 t/m 15-3) (19:30 – 20:30)
Wo 16-3Wat betekent een bekkenfysiotherapeut bij endo? (16-3 t/m 16-3) (19:30 – 20:30)
Met als gastspreker Mariella Goudberg bekkenfysiotherapeut/counselor seksuologie. (Inschrijven uit het buitenland? Stuur een mail endolounge@endometriose.nl)
Lees meer…
Di 22-3Ik heb net de diagnose, wat nu? (22-3 t/m 22-3) (19:30 – 20:30)
Lees meer…
Do 24-3Lief bedoelde adviezen, wat doe je ermee? (24-3 t/m 24-3) (19:30 – 20:30)
Di 29-3In je relatie samen de weg vinden met endometriose (29-3 t/m 29-3) (19:30 – 20:30)
Lees meer…
Wo 30-3Ik heb net de diagnose, wat nu? (30-3 t/m 30-3) (19:00 – 20:00)
Lees meer…

And also we are doing a social media campagne by posting daily messages and patient charing there story’s .

We are making some progress in politics. There are questions asked in parliament about de delay in diagnosis, programmes to inform woman, and a budget for more research. It’s a fist step, let’s hope in time we are benefiting from it.


MulherEndo (Associação Portuguesa de Apoio a Mulheres com Endometriose) are organising a webinar on 10 March 2022 (at 21.00 GMT) featuring:

Dra Fátima Faustino
Gynecologist Professor Doutor Hélder Ferreira
Physical Therapist Mariana Pereira
Nutritionist Ana Parreira
Psycologist Débora Água-Doce

Free Registration


The Romanian endometriosis patients society – Eu si Endometrioza – is delighted to present to you the first endometriosis guide in Romania dedicated to adolescents: Endometrioza – ghidul adolescenților conștienți as a natural process of raising awareness and help to decrease the time to diagnosis.

The guide is free for adolescents in Romanian schools, high schools and universities and can also be provided to parents, teachers, or health care providers, who wants to know more about endometriosis in adolescents and how to help them: diagnosis, stages, treatment, nutrition, emotions, and recommendations for optimal endometriosis management.

More information


Turkish Society for Pelvic Pain and Endometriosis are organising a meeting in Gobeklitepe, Eastern Turkey, about Endo/Pelvic Pain on 14 – 15 May 2022 (Pelvic Pain Awareness Month). We still use the announcements of meetings as the materials to increase the awareness of colleagues and the public about endometriosis.

More information and registration


The Turkish Endometriosis and Adenomyosis Society (TEAS) have many events organised in Turkey during March 2022, and remain committed to communicate and cooperate with other societies in field to raise awareness of endometriosis all over the world.

Check out the TEAS Facebook page for more information about events

United Kingdom

Endometriosis UK has named March “Endometriosis Action Month” and are launching an 8 point action plan – reflecting the current 8 year diagnostic delay.

More information on the eight actions

EndoMarches in the UK will take place as follows:

19 March 2022 (13.00 – 14.00 GMT): Most Northerly EndoMarch, John O Groats, UK
26 March 2022 (10.00 – 17.00 GMT): WorldWide EndoMarch, Virtual
26 March 2022 (10.30 – 12.30 GMT): Mid Wales Support Group EndoMarch, Talybont-on-Usk, UK


The Centre for Endometriosis Care is pleased to announce that we will again be having the Queen building, an iconic Atlanta landmark, light the Perimeter Center skyline in yellow once more to mark Endometriosis Awareness Month on 19 March 2022.

This year, the Endometriosis Foundation of America is delighted to host four weekends of virtual programming featuring physician- and patient-led panels, virtual coffee tables for networking, as well as meditation sessions, the conferences will be sure to help you connect with other endometriosis warriors, learn about the disease, and share your experience with endometriosis.

 6 March 2022  (10am-1pm EST) Fertility & Endometriosis
13 March 2022 (10am-1pm EST) Peritoneal Endometriosis & Pain
20 March 2022 (10am-1pm EST) Deeper Debilitating Disease & Its Definitive Treatment
27 March 2022 (9am-3pm EST) Pelvic and Beyond

More information and registration

Inspiration from previous awareness events

Endometriosis Awareness Events in 2021
→ Endometriosis Awareness Events in 2020
→ Endometriosis Awareness Events in 2019
→ Endometriosis Awareness Events in 2018
→ Endometriosis Awareness Events in 2017
→ Endometriosis Awareness Events in 2016
→ Endometriosis Awareness Events in 2015
→ Endometriosis Awareness Events in 2014
→ Endometriosis Awareness Events in 2013
→ Endometriosis Awareness Events in 2012
→ Endometriosis Awareness Events in 2011

See also



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