Endometriosis resources including support groups, self-help books, articles, coping, and a glossary

“Living with lung and colon endometriosis: catamenial pneumothorax” outlines Glynis Wallace’s 13-year experience with pulmonary endometriosis through narrative summaries from the physicians who attempted to control this disease.

“Modern management of endometriosis”, written by an internationally recognised team of experts, and edited by Christopher Sutton, Kevin Jones and David Adamson, covers the full range of surgical and medical interventions for diagnosing and treating endometriosis.

“Endometriosis in clinical practice” edited by David Olive is a colour illustrated project bringing together 37 international experts to demonstrate what is known about endometriosis and the clinical implications for the woman suffering from the disease.

“Explaining endometriosis”, by Ros Wood and Lorraine Henderson, is the first book written for women with endometriosis with clear and accurate information about endometriosis and its treatments, enabling women to make well-informed treatment decisions. It is an excellent tool for partners and family also.

“What to do when the doctor says it’s endometriosis”, by Tom Lyons MD, provides easy to understand advice on easing the pain of endometriosis and learning about the disease’s impact on fertility.

Scottish scientist, Dr Steve Campbell, has created a website, which allows women to see if their menstrual blood loss is small, average, or too much.

De forma clara, sincera y transparente, en su autobiografía, Carmen Martinez Jover, presenta la problemática de la infertilidad representándola con imágenes de sus cuadros.

“I want to have a child: whatever it takes” is a beautiful book of paintings, which tell Carmen Martinez Jover’s tireless struggle against infertility -and how she became a mother!

This is a beautifully illustrated monograph bringing together respected authorities on the surgical management of endometriosis. The editor, David Redwine, has been closely associated with the development of many of the laparoscopic techniques used around the world for the surgical management of endometriosis.

“Endometriosis: the complete reference for taking charge of your health” is the third book by Mary Lou Ballweg and the Endometriosis Association, and continues their tradition of compiling previously published articles into a book volume.