Archive for 2008

The Finnish Endometriosis Society (endometrioosiyhdistys) has had a productive year and shares it successes with other groups in preparation for their 10th anniversary in 2009

The Queensland Country Women’s Association nominated endometriosis as their external appeal for 2007/08 and raised $14,122 for the Endometriosis Association of Queensland.

“100 questions and answers about endometriosis” by David Redwine examines the benefits and flaws of current treatments and allows the reader to make educated decisions about their treatment.

Highlights from endometriosis sessions covered at the 64th ASRM meeting (ASRM2008) covering pathogenesis, immunology, nerve fibres, tomatoes and international collaboration.

The ASRM 2008 Distinguished Researcher Award has been presented to Professor Linda Giudice, who has devoted decades of her career to the study of endometriosis.

Endometriosis New Zealand has received a grant of $25,000 from the New Zealand Ministry of Health for a short term contract to look at how best to raise awareness of endometriosis

Support for family and partners of women with endometriosis. Suggestions of how to communicate, explain endometriosis, and how to deal with painful sex (intercourse/dyspareunia).
by Lone Hummelshoj It is an old myth that teenagers do not get endometriosis. In fact, some research indicate that up to two thirds of women with endometriosis have symptoms before they are 20 years old [1]. This means that symptoms in adolescent girls need to be taken very serious indeed, whilst still recognising that […]
by Ros Wood Pregnancy generally leads to an improvement in endometriosis symptoms, particularly during the latter months of pregnancy. However, some women experience a worsening of symptoms, particularly during the first three months. It is believed that the beneficial effects are due to the high levels of progesterone produced during pregnancy. It is thought that […]