Support group news
News from national endometriosis organisations from around the world.

A tribute to Ellen Johnson, tireless advocate for women with endometriosis. Ellen contributed numerous supportive articles for

Newman’s Own Foundation has granted Endometriosis New Zealand (ENZ) $10,000 towards its adolescent endometriosis programme, Me.

AIE presents a proposal (with 13,000 signatures) to the Italian Health Minister for a law to safeguard the rights of women affected by endometriosis.

Associazione Italiana Endometriosi (AIE) celebrates enormous progress: not least the progress made with the Italian Senate’s five year plan, presented in the European Parliament in March.

JEMA’s preliminary results show adverse emotional effects of GnRH-analogues when used in endometriosis.

Endometriosis support groups across the world come out with hard hitting campaigns to raise awareness of women who suffer daily from the impact of endometriosis.

Ugandan based JOYCE FERTILITY has launched the African Infertility Alliance (AIA) bringing together countries to share issues concerning infertility in their respective countries.

The National Endometriosis Society in the UK has changed its name to Endometriosis UK.

The Endometriosis Association (Qld) Inc announces that its new patron is Dr Susan Treloar from the Queensland Institute of Medical Research team

Endometriosis SHE Trust receives BMA Patient Information Award 2006 for their teenage information booklet.