Endometriosis Awareness 2007

29 March 2007

Endometriosis UK launches its new poster campaign: Bloody Hell

Endometriosis UK's campaign, BloodyHellUsing a sub-theme of “what if”, this hard hitting campaign asks:

  • WHAT IF sex was so painful you would do anythying to avoid it?
  • WHAT IF you stopped arranging to meet the girls, because you knew you’d probably have to cancel?
  • WHAT IF the pain and discomfort of a period went on all month, every month?
  • WHAT IF your employer thinks you’r skiving when you’re in the ladies doubled up in pain?

The campaign aims to show how endometriosis truly affects the day-to-day lives of women, and to raise more awareness of the impact of the disease.

During Endometriosis Awareness Week, representatives of Endometriosis UK also presented to MPs in the UK Parliament, where a new Early Day Motion (EDM) on Endometriosis has been tabled – if you live in the UK, then please urge your MP to sign the EDM!

A fundraising event was hosted by TeleCity RedBus and photographer Klarke Caplin. Ms Caplin displayed her photographs of women with endometriosis shot in “Hitchcock Movie Style” and raised thousands of pounds for Endometriosis UK. The event was picked up with a 3/4 page feature in Metro (an estimated million readers).

To see (or buy) Klarke Caplin’s photographs CLICK HERE (and then click on “1 in 10 Women”).

For more information contact Endometriosis UK

First Brazilian awareness campaign brings thousands together

Logo from Brazilian Endometriosis Awareness Campaign2,500 women with endometriosis attended the 1st Brazilian Endometriosis Awareness Campaign, which took place on 11 March at Ibirapuera Park in São Paulo, where ten thousand informational folders were distributed.

45 doctors, including professors and residents, were at the disposal of the female public to answer questions about endometriosis and to point women in the right direction for appropriate treatment of symptoms.

It´s estimated that around 6 million women suffer from endometriosis in Brazil.

One of the key organisers, Professor Mauricio Abrao, comments:

The mis-information, which we still see too much of, is the main reason why such a great number of Brazilian women fall victims of endometriosis and why they do not receive appropriate care. This is why the principal aim of this Campaign is to offer information to the public through events like today and via the media.

Picture from the Brazilian campaign
Providing information and support on the day

The next step is trying to get the Health Authorities involved, giving governmental support to the Campaign, creating the Endometriosis National Day and also making the disease to be considered a case of Public Health, due to its expressive numbers.

The Campaign, which is ongoing, is organised by NEPE (Interdisciplinary Nucleus of Education and Research in Endometriosis) and ABEND (Brazilian Endometriosis Support Organisation) and has been supported by an educational grant by AstraZeneca.

Picture from the Brazilian campaign
The team in Ibirapuera Park

Says professor Abrao:

This campaign can help to reduce the time between the beginning of the symptoms and the diagnosis of endometriosis in our country.

For more information see www.endometriose.org.br

Support group launches in Belgium

Logo from Endometriose StichtingThe first Belgian Endometriosis Support Organisation was launched on 10 March at a joint meeting between Endometriose Stichting Nederlands and Leuven University Hospital, Belgium.

The one day seminar also brought women with endometriosis and physicians together to explore the best ways in which to deal with the long term management of endometriosis.

Says Bianca de Bie, president of Endometriose Stichting Netherlands:

We are delighted to be able to help women in Belgium to start their society, and are excited that Belgian physicians are supporting our initiative.

Professor Thomas D’Hooghe, who hosted the seminar, and who also chairs ESHRE’s Special Interest Group on Endometriosis, responded:

As physicians it is very important that we work closely with the patient community to address the impact which endometriosis can have on a woman’s life. Because of its chronic nature, it is vital that treatment is carried out by endometriosis specialists within centres/networks of excellence, which has the capability to address the disease in a multi-disciplinary way. The ESHRE Guideline for the Diagnosis and Management of Endometriosis provides the most up to date evidence on the treatment of the disease, and I encourage all my colleagues to be familiar with this guideline.

For more information about Endometriose Stichting Belgium see www.endometriose.be

Seminar in the European Parliament brings stake holders together to tackle endometriosis

Picture from the European Parliament

Legislators, physicians, and women with endometriosis coming together in the European Parliament

Legislators, physicians, and women with endometriosis from across Europe came together at a lunch seminar on 28 March, hosted by Diana Wallis MEP, vice-president of the European Parliament.

Calls were made for more investment into awareness campaigns, the need for endometriosis to be treated by specialists, and investment into causal research so that one day endometriosis can be prevented.




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