General news
General news from the field of endometriosis

Increased awareness and investment in research has resulted in unprecedented recognition of endometriosis by the European Parliament, taken up by the Italian Senate in a 5-year action plan.

The ASRM Distinguished Researcher Award has been presented to Professor Robert Taylor, who has devoted an almost 30-year career to the study of endometriosis.

Legislators, physicians, and women with endometriosis from across Europe came together in the European Parliament today to raise awareness of the disease.

World Endometriosis Research Foundation (WERF) launches at the Annual Meeting of the ASRM in New Orleans (2006). The first global charity to foster research in endometriosis.

A law in the Spanish Congress of Representatives was approved unanimously recognising endometriosis and has lead to the Spanish government allocating more money to the fight against this chronic disease.

The Council of the European Union has formally recognised the need that more attention is given to women’s health issues – and endometriosis is again highlighted as a disease which deserves specific attention.

EU Community Public Health Programme (2006) now includes specific reference to the need for “information and definition of indicators to improve relevant information for specific aspects of women’s gynaecological and menopausal health (eg. endometriosis)”.

Maria Rauch-Kallat is taking action and will focus on women’s health, and endometriosis in particular, during the Austrian EU presidency in 2006.