Latest news in the field of endometriosis: clinical and scientific research, updates from national support groups – and general news on progress.

What does pain look like? Lotte Stenfors Arnesen, a woman with endometriosis, describes vividly in this poem the challenge of living – day in and day out – with chronic pain, without letting it define you or taking away your life.

56 representatives of 34 global organisations have come together to reach consensus on the management of endometriosis, published in Human Reproduction.

Dr Robert Albee Jr, a renowned endometriosis surgeon, addresses the psychological impact of undiagnosed endometriosis on young women.

Endometriosis Awareness Week is 4 – 10 March 2013. National support groups, and individual women with endometriosis, raise awareness of endometriosis with events throughout the world. Please join in!

Surgeons Patrick Yeung Jr, Ken Sinervo, and Robert Albee Jr advocate early surgical excision of endometriosis in reducing the morbidity of endometriosis and preserving fertility.

The 2012 ASRM had three excellent lectures on surgery for endometriosis and the value of removing endometriomas (versus medical treatment) by Tommaso Falcone, David Adamson, and Paolo Vercellini.

Women with chronic pelvic pain related to endometriosis demonstrate many of the clinical features described in central sensitivity syndrome according to Dr Julie Anne Gemmill.