Deborah Bush receives ‘International Women’s Day Outstanding Service Award’
Auckland, 9 march 2011
Deborah Bush QSM, CEO and co-founder of Endometriosis New Zealand, yesterday received international recognition when she was presented with the WIN “International Women’s Day Outstanding Service Award”.

Deborah Bush, ENZ co-founder and chief executive
As part of the 100th Anniversary of International Women’s Day yesterday, Deborah received her award at a ceremony held at the Matatau Business Centre in Manukau, where Auckland’s mayor, Len Brown, was the key note speaker. The other two recipients were Dame Georgina Kirby and Judith Speight.
When the first discussions took place on Women’s rights back in the early 1900s, women were seeking the right to vote, hold office, shorter work weeks and better pay. Now 100 years later we have more rights but there is still work to do – and Deborah is one of those working for positive change for women with endometriosis.
She co-founded Endometriosis New Zealand in 1985 and is now its Chief Executive. Deborah has been instrumental in raising awareness of endometriosis and its far-reaching consequences on quality of life and fertility around the world and has been internationally recognised for her work, receiving the Queen’s Service Medal in 2003 and the Paul Newman Award in 2007.
She has developed pragmatic educationally based solutions to the burdens that endometriosis creates through a variety of services and programmes. She is on the International EndometriosisZone Advisory Board and Chair’s Asia Pacific Endometriosis Alliance. Her patient educational and counselling clinics are unique.
Right now Deborah is working tirelessly to preserve Endometriosis New Zealand which is based in Christchurch and severely affected by the tragic earthquakes which have hit the area and the organisation hard over the last 5 months. To help go to
The Women’s Information Network (known as The WIN), founded in 2009 by Dr Paula Fellingham, is a social network for women ~ a thriving community of women helping women worldwide in their personal lives, in their families, and in their businesses.