More progress made by the Italian Endometriosis Association towards their legislative awareness campaign

ITALY, 18 October 2005

The Italian Endometriosis Association states their case to the Italian Senate.

Picture of Jacqueline Veit
Jacqueline Veit, co-founder and president of Associazione Italiana Endometriosi

Upon invitation from the Italian Hygiene and Health Commission, Jacqueline Veit co-founder/president of the Italian Endometriosis Association (Associazione Italiana Endometriosi) and co-coordinator of the European Endometriosis Alliance (EEA) was received at the Senate for an audience as part of the investigation currently underway on the issue of endometriosis as a social disease.

During her incisive speech entitled “Endometriosis: impact, costs, and quality of life” Veit highlighted that endometriosis affects all of us and should no longer be treated as an insignificant issue. She stated that work needs to be done to provide:

  • Recognition of endometriosis as a significant healthcare concern and chronic disease;
  • Government support of awareness-raising activities, including information campaigns targeting the public, health professionals, and legislators;
  • Inclusion of prevention of endometriosis in school sexual health programmes;
  • Centres of excellence that would work in synergy with local centres;
  • More basic research into the cause, prevention and treatment of endometriosis.

She also called on the legislators to:

  • Formally recognise the second week in March as Endometriosis Awareness Week;
  • Support requests for economic support to help women and their families to cover health expenses.

Those like myself who live with endometriosis know all too well the difficulties we have to face and the negative impact it can have on our lives. It is unacceptable that despite being one of the most prevalent causes of chronic pain in today’s society, apart from those affected and their families, awareness is still severely lacking,

stated Veit, who went on to say:

This invitation to speak to the senators of the Commission is extremely positive as it means that finally, after 6 years of hard work, the importance of our campaign is being recognised. Safeguarding women’s health and preserving the fertility of future generations is not only our moral duty but would also mean long term financial gain for the national economy which would benefit all of us.


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