Deficient intake of antioxidant molecules is related to peripheral and peritoneal oxidative stress in endometriosis

May 2006

Researchers in Mexico have evaluated the antioxidant intake and the lipoperoxidation status in plasma and peritoneal fluid of women with endometriosis.

They demonstrated that there was an inverse correlation with the pathology intensity depending on the antioxidant intake in women with endometriosis. As endometriosis severity intensifies there is less of an intake of antioxidants. They also demonstrated a positive association between the pathology development and the lipoperoxidation status.

The study was carried out in 48 women with endometriosis obtained at the Sterility Clinic from the National Institute of Perinatology. The antioxidant intake was evaluated by applying the Questionnaire Assessment of Antioxidants and Retinol Intakes in Mexican women validated by the National Institute of Public Health. The lipoperoxidation status was determined in plasma and peritoneal fluid with the malondyaldehyde method. Results were analysed by ANOVA of Kruskal-Wallis.

The researchers showed that antioxidant intake (vitamin C, vitamin E, selenium and zinc) in the women with endometriosis showed a significative statistical difference when compared with the control group, including the total group and those stratified in pathology stages. The lipoperoxidation status in plasma and peritoneal fluid of women with endometriosis did not show statistical difference versus healthy women. When data was stratified according to the severity of pathology, the percentage of lipoperoxidation status increased in plasma in the severe grade of endometriosis and in peritoneal fluid in the moderate and severe grades.


Hernandez Guerrero CA, Bujalil Montenegro L, de la Jara Diaz J, Mier Cabrera J, Bouchan Valencia P. Endometriosis and deficient intake of antioxidants molecules related to peripheral and peritoneal oxidative stress. Ginecol Obstet Mex. 2006;74(1):20-8.



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