ACEIII: 3rd Asian Conference on Endometriosis

The 3rd Asian Conference on Endometriosis (ACE III) took place Seoul, South Korea, on 24 – 26 October 2014 with Professor Yong Taik Lim and Professor Young Min Choi presiding over the meeting.

With 234 delegates from 16 countries in attendance, the meeting addressed pathogenesis (platelet, hypoxia, primate model, angiogenesis, mRNa, immunology, apoptosis, mast cells, adipokines, stem cells, etc), as well as classification of endometriosis, medical management, laparoscopic and/or robotic surgery, deep endometriosis, and IVF.

Exceptional speakers covered everything from fundamental basic research to meta-analyses of clinical treatment outcomes. It was noteworthy that ACE III provided substantial oral presentation opportunities for young scientists and physicians = an investment in the next generation of ‘treaters’.

Highlights from ACE III

  • Several studies presented the entire gene-regulatory networks and interactions among multiple cell types instead of focusing on single gene or cell type. As we know that endometriosis is a multi-genetic and multi-factor disease, this approach points to a new direction to dissect the mechanism of this disease — today’s mechanism becomes tomorrow’s treatment!
  • Based on meticulous molecular genetics studies, Professor Tsai presented the data from his lab, demonstrating the existence of hypoxia-regulated gene network in endometriosis progression. When viable, regurgitated endometrial debris reach the ectopic sites in the peritoneal cavity and attach to the peritoneum or ovary, they would conceivably generate hypoxia to the ectopic endometrial tissues. Hence his work may illuminate the consequence as well as cause of endometriosis initiation and development.
  • Professor Guo presented data from both human and animal studies, demonstrating the critical role of platelets in the development of endometriosis. In particular, he proposed that endometriosis is a pro-coagulant disease, and can be treated by blocking the coagulant pathways, at least in mouse models of endometriosis. His work may provide new directions in looking for novel biomarkers for diagnosis and prognosis of endometriosis.
  • Intense discussion – as always – reached the conclusion that awareness alone won’t address the issue of endometriosis.  EDUCATION, on the other hand, is the way to fight this disease from:  (a) the patient’s perspective: information of what is and what isn’t normal in connection with a girl or a woman’s period, and (b) the surgical perspective: obtaining sufficient training to remove endometriosis surgically.

Drs Kutay Biberoglu, Sun-Wei Guo, Khaleque Khan, Tasuku Harada, and Shawjenq (Sean) Tsai at the 3rd Asian Conference on Endometriosis

A new society: ASEA

ACE III saw the establishment of a new society: the Asian Society of Endometriosis and Adenomyosis (ASEA). Professor Lim (National Catholic University, Korea) was elected as the 1st president with the president elect being Professor Tasuku Harada (Tottori University, Japan).

The next meeting of the ASEA takes place in Jordan on 19 – 21 November 2015 (ACE2015).

See also

Congress highlights
→ Research in endometriosis
→ Congress schedule



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