Research and treatments

Latest news on clinical and scientific research in endometriosis.

Behind the headlines: endometriosis and ovarian cancer
19 July 2024

What are the facts behind the headlines about endometriosis and risk of ovarian cancer?

Global study shows the experience of endometriosis is rooted in a person’s genetics
12 April 2023

DNA from 60,600 women with endometriosis reveals evidence of shared genetic basis for endo and other causes of pain.

Inflammation gene may be possible drug target for endometriosis
26 August 2021

Researchers have identified a specific gene (NPSR1) that increases risk of suffering pain from endometriosis with a potential new non-hormonal drug target that may lead to improved therapies in endometriosis.

European Union grants 6 million euros towards endometriosis research
12 February 2021

Researchers at Aarhus University head up a major international research and innovation project aimed at improving treatment and quality of life of those affected by endometriosis. Machine learning and artificial intelligence will contribute to this!

Does sun exposure cause endometriosis?
9 February 2021

A history of intense exposure to the sun may increase risk of being diagnosed with endometriosis over time.

Putting a stop to misconceptions about race and endometriosis
24 November 2020

We need to dispel myths that the prevalence of endometriosis differs in women of different racial/ethnic groups.

Scientists are now closer to understanding pain mechanisms in endometriosis
1 August 2019

Immune cells called macrophages could play a key role in the generation of pain in endometriosis according to research at University of Warwick and University of Edinburgh.

Blood test to diagnose endometriosis
3 April 2019

A blood test claiming to diagnose endometriosis with a ninety percent accuracy will be launched within a year. But is it all that it is cracked up to be?

Diagnostic biomarkers for endometriosis
10 May 2018

Development of low-invasive tests/biomarkers for endometriosis remains a high priority in improving the diagnosis, management, and prognosis (progression/regression) of endometriosis. To date there are no reliable / validated tests.

Endometriosis and hysterectomy
21 March 2018

Hysterectomy does not guarantee a relief from endometriosis-related symptoms and can neither be classified as a “treatment”, nor as a “cure” for endometriosis; it may relieve co-existing adenomyosis.

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