
Denmark has led the way in terms of implementation of (state-funded) centres of expertise for the care of those with endometriosis since 2001. Now its national support organisation is on the state budget.

Endometriose Fælleskabet (the Danish national support organisation) together with national clinicians, researchers, scientists, and advocates in endometriosis succeeded in securing an open hearing on endometriosis with the parliamentary select committee for health on 15 November 2023.

The powerful hearing can viewed here (by those who understand Danish).

Less than two weeks after the hearing, on 27 November 2023, it was announced that funding to (partially) support the work of Endometriose Fælleskabet has been included in the Danish state budget.

The amount of DKK 100,000 is not vast, but it enables the society to carry on supporting those with endometriosis, and to continue its invest in efforts to achieve the ultimate goal of establishing a national centre for research and innovation in endometriosis.

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