Endometriosis Awareness 2013

Endometriosis Awareness takes place across the globe during the month of March.  In some countries it is for one week (4 -10 March 2013) – but it can also be for the duration of the month.

The KEY is to raise awareness of an (often) “invisible” disease which affects an estimated 176 million women worldwide during their reproductive – and most productive! – years. Endometriosis can have a devastating effect on quality of life due to the painful symptoms, it is the biggest cause of infertility in women, and it carries a huge personal and societal cost! Awareness to highlight these issues – and to call for investment into research – is happening  within local communities, regionally, and nationally, and provides an opportunity to raise funds for research into better treatments!

 Email us your activities and together we can truly make a difference!
→ Follow daily updates on TWITTER and help us make #endometriosis go viral!

Here’s what’s happening around the globe in March 2013:


2 – 8 March 2013: Awareness events in the community

During International Awareness Week instead of asking people to come to us the Queensland Endometriosis Support Group will be taking the word about endometriosis out to the community.

We will be holding a sausage sizzle at Bunnings Hardware Store at Oxley, Brisbane on Saturday 2 March from 8.30 until 16.00. Also one of our support workers will be facilitating an information get together on the 6th, 7th and 8th of March.

It will be held each day at a different coffee shop from Southport to Tweed Heads on the Gold Coast. Wednesday 6th March will be at Cafe Pyramid, Short St Southport.

→ Check exact venues and times at www.qendo.org.au or ring 07 3321 4408

9 March 2013 at 13.30: EAQ Annual General Meeting and Information Meeting

At this year’s information meeting, Dr Susan Evans (co-author of Endometriosis and Pelvic Pain) will be speaking and answering questions from the audience.

→ More information at www.qendo.org.au or ring 07 3321 4408



30 March 2013 at 09.00: Balloons and awareness ribbons in local communities

A Endometriose e Eu will take part in and support in a festive event on March 30th beginning at 9:00am. Featuring specially-designed t-shirts highlighting endometriosis awareness, supporters will be distributing information leaflets accompanied by balloons and awareness ribbons to elevate the disease profile in local communities. Family, friends and anyone wishing to raise further awareness are welcome to join and participate.

→ More information


2 and 9 and 23 March 2013: Members’ meetings

Logo from Association EndoFranceMeetings beteween representatives of Endofrance and women with endometriosis are planned for endometriosis awareness 2013 in Nord-Pas-de-Calais (2 March), Bordeaux and Toulouse (9 March), and Bayonne (23 March).

More information


1 -2  March 2013: “Schmerz lass nach – Möglichkeiten mit Endometrioseschmerzen umzugehen”

The 17th Annual meeting of the German Endometriosis Society takes place the first weekend in March in Eisenmoorbad Bad Schmiedeberg-Kur-GmbH in Germany.  The main topic will be ways in which to deal with the pains of endometriosis.

Full programme and how to book


1 – 7 March 2013

Logo from Samtök Kvenna með EndómetríósuDuring Endometriosis Awareness Week, the National Hospital will be lit in yellow. There will be standing

information boards/posters about endometriosis in Kringlan, Reykjavik’s main shopping mall.

The association’s annual meeting will be on 2 March and following that a lecture on pain and pain relief (both medicine and holistic ways). On 7 March 7 there will be a coffee house meeting.

More information


9 March 2013: Living well with endometriosis

Join us for our annual information day on endometriosis at the Lucan Spa Hotel.  Come and get information on endometriosis, diagnosis, treatment, and lots of tips and advice for ‘living well with endometriosis’.

More information

23 March 2013: Endometriosis educational seminar

An educational seminar, free to the public, physicians, and women with endometriosis, will be held at the Galway Clinic on 23 March at 10.00-15.00.

Speakers include: Bebhinn NicLiam (how to reduce time to diagnosis), Saoirse O’Dea (impact of surgery on quality of life), gynaecologists Eileen Reilly and Mo’iad Allazzam, dietician Maeve Gacquin, and WES Secretary General Lone Hummelshoj.

Register by 21 March


2 – 10 March 2013: Events across Italy!

Logo from Associazione Progetto Endometriosi Onlus (APE)A.P.E. onlus have organised over 50 events taking places in 13 different Italian regions, with the engagement of as many as 130 volunteers.

For a complete  list of the events that we are holding all over Italy please check out their website at: http://www.apeonlus.com/dettaglio-news-669-4-10-marzo-2013-ix-settimana-della-consapevolezza-dellendometriosi


9 – 10 March 2013: Yellow Weekend!

During this weekend free consultations with specialists will be possible. In Warsaw the medical advices will be given by gynecologists from three different hospitals, two clinics specialized in endometriosis treatment as well as a dietician and a psychologist. In Poznan, there will also be a possibility to consult physiotherapists.

The meetings will take part the 9th of March (Saturday) in Traffic Club, Bracka Street 25 in Warsaw at 10.00 to 18.00 and the 10th of March (Sunday) in Chimera teahouse, Dominikanska Street 7 in Poznan at 9.00 to 16.00. There will be meetings organized by local support groups nationwide. There will also be a possibility to get advice at a PSE hot line (tel. 728 161 149).

More information


7 – 9 March 2013: Talking about endometriosis

Marzo 7 2013 10:00: Preparatoria No. 22, UANL, Monterrey, N.L.México

Marzo 8 2013 10:00: cEMEX Centro Comunitario I, Monterrey, N.L.

Marzo 8 2013 16:00:  CEMEX Centro Comunitario II, Monterrey, N.L. México

Marzo 9 2013 11:00: Plaza Morelos, Monterrey, N.L. México

EMAIL for more information!

New Zealand

This year Endometriosis New Zealand will focus on a New Zealand wide approach to raise awareness with a focus on functions; fundraising; activities through the National Support Network, media and magazine exposure. Check out what’s on and how you can be involved!

Endometriosis New Zealand


7th March 20113- PRESS CONFERENCE





EMAIL for more information!

Puerto Rico

23 March 2013: Circles….. of support and information

This educational activity organised by the Foundation of Patients with Endometriosis of Puerto Rico (FPPE) is designed for women with endometriosis, spouses, as well as family members and friends. Circles….. of support and information consists of round tables led by one or two experts where women with endometriosis had the opportunity to ask questions, discuss their issues, and obtain and give support, in an informal, intimate setting that is highly interactive and productive. After 30 minutes of discussion, the groups rotate to the next Circle where another topic of relevance to the participants is discussed. Among the topics to be part of Circles are: Endometriosis 101, Wellbeing, Nutrition, Labor Law, Stress management, Infertility, Yoga, Spouses, and Family members/friends.

→ call +1 787-840-2575 x2206 | x2192
→ text +1 787-362-2375
→ email to endopr@gmail.com


1 March 2013: Gula promenaden (the yellow walk)

The international endometriosis month is initiated by a walk in the location where you are at that moment. Walk by yourself or collect a group of people, put on something yellow and just do it!

For more information, to sign up, to add spin-off groups at your particular location, etc look at: https://www.facebook.com/events/333349383438287/

9 March 2013 at 13.00-15.00: Sahlgrenska Universitetssjukhuset, Göteborg

Dr. Margita Gustafsson gives a lecture about endometriosis for members/members to be and their family and friends. There will be time for questions.

→ Register by sending an email to: ordfvg@endometriosforeningen.com

26 March 2013 at 18.00-20.00: Endometrioscentrum, Akademiska Sjukhuset, Uppsala (ingång 95/96)

Dr. Matts Olovsson gives a lecture about endometriosis for family and friends with arranged discussion groups.  Elisabet Lizzy Andersson gives a lecture about endometriosis with the emphasis on newly diagnosed members/members to be.

→ Register by sending an email to: kontaktuppsala@endometriosforeningen.com


8 March 2013 at 13.45: Semaine européenne de l’endométriose, Lausanne

The newly formed Association Suisse de Soutien Contre l’Endométriose (ASSCE) has its first event this March, involving Drs Jean-Marie Wenger and Dorothea Wunder, immunologist Dr Geraldine Canny, and osteopath Cecile Tenot.

More information and registration

United Kingdom

4 – 10 March 2013: Don’t take it lying down

Endometriosis UK is running its annual awareness campaign to bring this often hidden condition into the public eye.

As the leading national charity dedicated to improving the lives of those affected by endometriosis, want to use the week to de-mystify the condition and get people talking about it openly.   We’ve lots of different initiatives planned — please get involved!

→ More information

6 and 13 March 2013 at 19.00-20.00 GMT

Nutritionist Dian Shepperson Mills, Chair of the Endometriosis SHE Trust, will give online talks at the NutriCentre on:

  • “What is normal period pain? What is endometriosis period pain? Learn how to reduce your pain using an anti-inflammatory diet.”
  • “Your Fertility Depends upon Your Food: How does endometriosis and what you chose to eat affect your fertility?”

Watch online

29 March – 3 April 2013: Fundraising Trek across the West Highlands

Endometriosis sufferer, Laura Wilson, and her team mates are trekking and running the West Highland Way over Easter to raise money for WERF. They set off on 29 March 2013 and wish to raise at least £1,000 for research in endometriosis.

Please help Team Legs Go and WERF to achieve this goal by donating at:
→ www.justgiving.com/LegsGo-Easter2013.


8 March 2013 at 11.00 PST/14.00 EST: Tweet Chat with the ERC

The Endometriosis Research Center will be joining BePreparedPeriod for an Endometriosis Awareness Month chat event!

The chat will include conversation, questions, polls, and plenty of interaction on endometriosis and related menstrual topics. Please join our organisations on 8 March at 2pm EST.

Details and login instructions can be found here:

9 – 11 March 2013: Fourth Annual Scientific and Surgical Symposium

The Endometriosis Foundation of America (EFA) holds its 4th Annual Symposium aimed at women with endometriosis, post-graduates, and all health care professionals who wish to stay up to date on the latest developments in endometriosis.

More information

11 March 2013 at 19.00 EST: Fifth Annual Blossom Ball for Endometriosis

The Endometriosis Foundation of America (EFA) hosts its 5th Annual Blossom Ball at the “Capitale” in New York City to raise funds for the field of endometriosis.  Hosted by Dr Tamer Seckin and Ms Padma Lakshmi with Susan Sarandon and Eileen Guggenheim.

More information

16 March and 23 March 2013:  Virtual 5K Endometriosis Awareness Run/Walk

Run or walk 5K anywhere on either Saturday the 16th or 23rd of March!  You can even break up the distance between the two days if needed. The trick is that everyone walk/run on the same days and register that they will do so at http://selahfunrunners.weebly.com/upcoming-races.html ($15.00 with proceeds to the ERC)

Post your results to the Facebook Event Page

1 – 31 March 2013: The CEC donates endometriosis books to libraries

The Center for Endometriosis Care has learned several libraries do not have endometriosis books in stock. Consequently the CEC is donating materials to US-based libraries in honor of Endometriosis Awareness Month. Selections are randomly made from various lay education books, including David Redwine’s “100 questions & answers about endometriosis”; Dian Shepperson-Mills’ “Endometriosis: A key to healing through nutrition”; and “Living Well with Endometriosis” by Kerry-Ann Morris.

If your local library doesn’t have any endometriosis books, then send us your requests and we will donate.

→ Email us your request with the library’s contact info

1 – 31 March 2013: CEC educates nurses and students and does media and local outreach

The CEC campaigns year-round for education and awareness, with special events held annually throughout March. Efforts are already underway for certain schools and various public education endeavours in New York, Pennsylvania, Georgia, and California; if you’d like us to present to your own local media, school nurses, physicians, students, companies or hospitals, or provide educational materials to any source throughout March, please get in touch and let us know as soon as possible

Contact the CEC for materials


Raise awareness

Raise money for research

WERF logoContact the World Endometriosis Research Foundation (WERF) about how you can use your eventto raise money for research!

Inspiration from previous awareness events

→ Endometriosis Awareness Events in 2012
→ Endometriosis Awareness Events in 2011

Stay up to date

Register for endometriosis news:



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