Archive for 2017

At ASRM2017 it was apparent that true research progress will not happen until sub-groups (phenotypes) of endometriosis are identified.

Endometriosis sessions at ESHRE’s 33rd Annual Scientific Meeting were better attended than ever – and were all about finding the balance between medical and surgical therapies for the individual woman.

Packed endometriosis special interest group pre-congress course at ESHRE in Geneva.

This film is a documentary created by two women with endometriosis to show other women what they can expect when they get endometriosis. Now available for all to watch.

When like-minded individuals come together with a selfless, common, goal to champion the cause, we can truly lead positive change in the field of endometriosis.

Efficacy and safety of two different doses of elagolix, a GnRH antagonist, presented at World Congress on Endometrosis.

Top ten research priorities in endometriosis presented at 13th World Congress on Endometriosis.

100-year-old fertility technique could reduce IVF cases in women with endometriosis.

Cancer-causing gene mutations have been found in lesions of women with deep endometriosis – without being cancerous.