Key opinion leaders and specialists in endometriosis provide their point of view about what is happening in the field of endometriosis and to what to extent it benefits women with the disease.

Sallie Sarrel explains five benefits from pelvic physical therapy that may help women with endometriosis and pelvic pain to improve their symptoms.

Non-published results from clinical trials in endometriosis may have a negative effect in overall understanding of the disease.

What does pain look like? Lotte Stenfors Arnesen, a woman with endometriosis, describes vividly in this poem the challenge of living – day in and day out – with chronic pain, without letting it define you or taking away your life.

Dr Robert Albee Jr, a renowned endometriosis surgeon, addresses the psychological impact of undiagnosed endometriosis on young women.

Surgeons Patrick Yeung Jr, Ken Sinervo, and Robert Albee Jr advocate early surgical excision of endometriosis in reducing the morbidity of endometriosis and preserving fertility.

Endometriosis has recently been confused with endometritis. It is NOT the same disease: endometriosis occurs outside the uterus. Endometritis occurs inside the uterus. Neither disease is associated with abortion. Elizabeth Bruce is brave to speak out about the disease!

We need to mention endometriosis often to raise awareness of the disease and educate others about its impact and cost. Think “mentionitis” when you have the opportunity to talk about endometriosis!

John Steege and Philippe Koninckx provide their experienced views on why we should wait for evidence, rather than respond to marketing claims, of the value of robotic surgery in endometriosis.

Lone Hummelshoj asks what you will do in 2011 to make a difference for 176 million women with endometriosis? Will you get involved to provide support, donate to research, raise awareness, or suffer in silence?