First gathering of endometriosis patients in Puerto Rico: battling endometriosis

April 2006

The very first meeting of Endometriosis de Puerto Rico was held on 26 March 2006.

This gathering attracted over 400 people including women with endometriosis, relatives, husbands, children, and people from the community.

Organisers, Idhaliz Flores and her team, had arranged for four 20-minute lectures, including the mission and objectives of the newly founded Endometriosis Foundation.

Kids were enterntained with clowns and jumping castle; adults enjoyed a show by a well-known singer in Puerto Rico, Melina Leon.

Dr. Nabal Bracero, a reproductive endocrinologist, talked about ART tehcniques and endometriosis treatments; Lic. Maria Garcia-Ducos talked about laboratory tests for endometriosis and infertility; and Dr. Angel Rodriguez-Trinidad talked about acupunture and reiki for the treatment of endometriosis.

There was a demonstration, with lots of interaction, of Tai-Chi, and people interested received reiki.

Picture of Lucy Arce and Dr Idhaliz Flores
Senator Lucy Arce presents Dr Idhaliz Flores with a copy of the declaration


Senator Lucy Arce, president of the Puerto Rican Senate Health Comission, presented a Law declaring the month of March “Endometriosis Awareness Month” in Puerto Rico.

Almost 200 women with endometriosis signed up on the day to become members of the Puerto Rican Endometriosis Patient Foundation, and both the local TV station and several magazines provided coverage of the event!

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