Endometriosis Awareness 2014

Endometriosis Awareness takes place across the globe during the month of March with a mission to raise awareness of “the invisible disease”, which affects an estimated 176 million women.

Endometriosis can have a devastating effect on quality of life due to the painful symptoms; it is the biggest cause of infertility in women, and it carries a huge personal and societal cost!

Awareness to highlight these issues – and to call for investment into research – is happening  within local communities, regionally, and nationally, and provides an opportunity to raise funds for research into better treatments!

 Email us your activities and together we can truly make a difference!
→ Follow daily updates on TWITTER and help us make #endometriosis go viral!

Here’s what’s happening around the globe in March 2014:


13 March 2014: Endometriosis Day

At 19.00 we will meet at  Akademie der Wissenschaften, 1. Stock, Sonnenfelsgasse 19, 1010 Wien. More info…


22 March 2014: The Endometriosis Network Canada’s Biennial Endometriosis Symposium

The Endometriosis Network Canada’s 2nd Biennial Endometriosis Symposium takes place in Toronto from 9.00 – 17.00 EST, featuring exhibitors and lectures on all aspects of the disease. Faculty includes Pamela Frank, ND, Andrea Meade, Tara McKee, Heather Guidone, Dr. Iris Orbuch, Dr. Ken Sinervo and Dr. Herbert Wong. More info…


1 March 2014: Endometriosis Workshop

Endometriose Foreningen is hosting a workshop in Århus from 10.00 – 16.00 to give women with endometriosis ideas  and inspiration for “A good life with endometriosis”. More info…


8 March 2014: Endometriosis Workshop

Endometriose Foreningen is hosting a workshop in Copenhagen from 10.00 – 16.00 to give women with endometriosis ideas  and inspiration for “A good life with endometriosis”. More info…

13 March 2014: Million Woman March for Endometriosis

Endometriose Foreningen in Denmark is cooperating with and supporting the Danish march in Rådhuspladsen Copenhagen from 14.30 – 16.00.

Transportation from major cities in Jylland will be provided to ensure optimal participation in this event. More info…


13 March 2014: Worldwide peaceful campaign “EndoMarch”

We meet in Berlin Mitte at the Neptune Fountain at 15.00 to raise awareness of endometriosis, adenomyosis , fibroids and other related chronic pelvic pain and disorders in women in our society.

In addition to an informational platform also the statement for this purpose in Germany a flashmob at 17.00. Bring peaceful / good mood, self-created protest signs / banner and trim, megaphones and sayings for chanting, yellow umbrellas. More info…

15 March 2014: Endometriose ist nicht zum Lachen – wir tun’s trotzdem und gemeinsam!

Treffpunkt Alexanderplatz, Berlin am 14.00 Uhr; gemeinsames Lachyoga mit Nicole v. Hoerschelmann; Luftballonaktion; infostand der Endometriose-Vereinigung Deutschland e.V.  More info…

15 March 2014: Podiumsdiskussion: Endometriose: zu wenig beachtet – zu viel operiert?!

Logo from Endometriose-Vereinigung Deutschland e.V.Tagungsort: am Kreativhaus e. V., Fischerinsel 3, 10179 Berlin, am 16.00 bis 18.00 Uhr mit Herrn Prof. Ebert (Praxis für Frauengesundheit, Gynäkologie & Geburtshilfe Berlin), Herrn Prof. Ulrich (Martin-Luther-Krankenhaus Berlin), Frau Dr. Niehues (Bad Salzuflen), Frau Dr. Mechsner (Charité Berlin), Frau Dr. Halis (kez Berlin), Frau Dr. Winkler (Bundesministerium für Gesundheit Berlin), Frau Dr. Matuschewski (Endometriose-Vereinigung Deutschland e. V.).  Im Anschluss an die Podiumsdiskussion besteht die Möglichkeit mit den anwesenden Endometriosespezialistinnen und -spezialisten ins Gespräch zu kommen.
More info…


8 March 2014: Annual Meeting of The Endometriosis Association of Iceland

The Effects of Endometriosis on Quality of Life: Nurses Bryndís Rut Logadóttir and Brynja Gestsdóttir.
Endometriosis – Recent News: Professor Reynir Tómas Geirsson.
More info…

13 March 2014: Yellow t-shirt day and Million Woman March for Endometrios in Iceland.

March in Reykjavík, from church Hallgrímskirkja to the Women’s Department at the National Hospital followed by a small event. More info…


8 March 2014: Information day and EndoMarch Ireland

The Irish EndoMarch2014 (Million Woman March for Endometriosis) will be held as part of the Endometriosis Association of Ireland Information Day in Dublin, where our theme will be “Living well with endometriosis” – nutritionist Dian Shepperson Mills is a featured speaker. We will be submitting photos, artwork and video to the main event in the USA. More info…


8 – 16 March 2014: Information booths planned across Italy

More info…

15 March 2014: Let’s break the silence – Rompiamo il silenzio

World Endometriosis Day in Italy will be organised by APE – a breakthrough event named “Let’s break the silence – Rompiamo il silenzio” that will take place in Rome.  Buses from all over Italy will reach a central square in Rome where participants will start a flash mob. More info… 

New Zealand

13 March 2014 …onwards: March for Endometriosis 2014 Campaign

Endometriosis NZ (ENZ) will embrace this inaugural crusade into its own MARCH FOR ENDOMETRIOSIS 2014 campaign and is organising awareness events through its support networks from March 13 onwards, throughout New Zealand. The biggest MARCH will be with the New Zealand Government which will focus on early intervention and strategies to improve the management of endometriosis and pelvic pain for all girls and women in New Zealand. ENZ is also preparing to make some exciting announcements to compliment the Million Women March for Endometriosis which will be added to the website as they happen. Our organisation will also have a strong focus on growing awareness and providing supportive messages through a social media campaign. More info…

Puerto Rio

29 March 2014: 13th Educational and Social Gathering of Women with Endometriosis

We will meet from 1:00 pm to 6:00 pm in the Capitol Building of San Juan Puerto Rico, for an event combining an educational program with a social gathering for women with endometriosis, their spouses, relatives and friends. It will consist of a educational program with lectures regarding various topics of interest to patients (robotic surgery, pain management, infertility, complementary medicine, healthy diets, stress relief) and a social gathering (a cocktail party featuring a fashion show of Puerto Rican designers – all yellow designs!). More info…

We will also hold a Candle Vigil on the 13th of march, at 6:00PM, in front of our Capitol Building, to join the Million Woman March worldwide event.


13 March 2014: Manifestation on endometriosis!

We will meet at Mynttorget in Stockholm close to the Swedish parliament on at 12.00 – 14.00 and again from 16.00 – 18.00. In between the march to Järntorget will take place! We will find a place to eat and be together and then return to Mynttorget at 16.00.

We have a short meeting with a member of parliament, just to hand over an open letter, which presents different problems with the (almost non-existing) hospital care we have here and that it’s so important with a standard procedure from the first acute visit and quick treatment-to eventual operation and after care.

We will walk about 1 kilometre with our banner and all day inform people about endometriosis and what NOT to accept from doctors (telling you: “everything looks normal” and “this that you describe is very common”). More info…


19 March 2014: Reconnaître et traiter l’endométriose en 2014

This meeting will take place from 17.00 – 18.45 and organised by the service of Gynecology at the University Hospital and ASSCE to be held in Geneva. More info…

United Kingdom

3 – 9 March 2014: It is OK to talk. Period.

Endometriosis UK’s Awareness Week 2014 slogan is, “It’s OK to talk. Period.” Many women learn to normalise pain they experience during their period and to simply suffer in silence. Endometriosis UK is setting up a range of activities to encourage women to come together and talk during Endometriosis Awareness Week 2014 – online, by telephone, and face-to-face.
More info…

12 March 2014: Scottish Parliament Campaign for Specialist Care

The University of Edinburgh and Endometriosis UK are calling for the Scottish Government to support and fund at least four specialist endometriosis centres in Scotland by March 2016. The event at Holyrood is being hosted by South Scotland MSP Aileen McLeod.  More info…

Press release

13 March 2014: Endometriosis UK’s March for Endometriosis

Across the globe, women will be taking part in a peaceful demonstration to raise awareness of endometriosis and the plight of those who suffer from the condition. The official UK Million Woman March and will take place in London’s Kensington Gardens between 12.00 – 15.00. More info…


7 – 8 March 2014: EFA’s 5th Annual Scientific Conference

For their New York City conference the Endometriosis Foundation of America has secured a fabulous line-up of experts in endometriosis and women’s health to address: Ethics, politics, and controversies in endometriosis, featuring Linda Giudice, Liselotte Mettler, Byllye Avery, and many more — with the 8th of March set aside for an interactive workshop for women with endometriosis. More info…

7 March 2014: EFA’ 6th Annual Blossom Ball for Endometriosis

Tamer Seckin and Padma Lakshmi will be hosting the 6th Blossom Ball at 583 Park in New York City. More info…

13 March 2014: Million Woman March for Endometriosis

The Million Woman March for Endometriosis takes place in Washington DC in the National Mall, and will feature prominent endometriosis advocates, as well as actress Stephanie March and singer Sheryl Crow.  More info…

15 March 2014: Saturday Mornings with Joy Keys at 11.00 – 11.30 EST

Endometriosis will be the featured topic on this episode of “Saturday Mornings with Joy Keys,” a leading talk-radio show hosted by actress, writer, producer and director Joy Keys. Guests include Dr La Tanya Hines and Heather Guidone.
More info…

15 March 2014: Bowties and Pearls: A Bourbon Cocktail Party for Endometriosis Awareness

Bowties and Pearls is the first endometriosis awareness event in the Louisville metropolitan area. 100% of event sales from this inaugural event, which will feature hors’doeuvres and bourbon tastings will benefit the Endometriosis Research Center.  More info…

31 March 2014: University of Houston Presents an Endometriosis Symposium

The University of Houston will host this educational event in the Elizabeth D Rockwell Pavilion from 09.00 – 16.00 CST, featuring remarks and presentations by University President, Dr. Renu Khator, Heather Guidone, Ucheena Ossai, PhD, Dr. Michael Heard and others. Agenda and line up subject to change. Additional details forthcoming.

1 – 31 March 2014: Adopt-a-Doc

The Endometriosis Research Center will once again be hosting their annual Adopt-a-Doc campaign throughout March and beyond in honor of awareness month and the organization’s 17th anniversary. Updated materials and brochures will be available to any party interested in raising awareness about endometriosis throughout their local physician, hospital and nursing communities. To receive materials for distribution, contact askerc@endocenter.org

Global awareness

WERF logoContact the World Endometriosis Research Foundation (WERF) about how you can use your event to raise money for research!

Inspiration from previous awareness events

Endometriosis Awareness Events in 2013
→ Endometriosis Awareness Events in 2012
→ Endometriosis Awareness Events in 2011

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