Endometriosis Awareness 2012
20 MARCH 2012
Endometriosis Awareness takes place across the globe during the month of March. In some countries it is for one week – in others it is for the duration of the month.
The KEY is to raise awareness of an (often) “invisible” disease which affects an estimated 176 million women worldwide during their reproductive – and most productive! – years. Endometriosis can have a devastating effect on quality of life due to the painful symptoms, and is the biggest cause of infertility in women.
Awareness is being raised within local communities, regionally, and nationally, and provides an opportunity to raise funds for research into better treatments!
→ Email us your activities and together we can truly make a difference!
→ Follow daily updates on TWITTER and help us make #endometriosis go viral!
3 MARCH 2012 (13.30-16.00)
Pain Management and Research
by Dr A Yazdani
QMIR – Level B Meeting Rooms
Clive Berghofer Cancer Research Centre
300 Herston Road, Herston
Cost: $5.00/person
→ Register at: www.qendo.org.au or call (07) 3321 4408
10 MARCH 2012 (13.30-16.00)
Discussion on endometriosis by:
Dr Ahmed Kassab – Gynaecologist
Jodie Painter – QIMR
Brett Kelly – Physiotherapist/Pain Management
Janie Simmons – Practical Pain Management
Cunningham Centre Toowoomba Hospital
Pechey Street entrance
Cost: $5.00/person
→ Register at: www.qendo.org.au or call (07) 3321 4408
10 MARCH 2012 (13.00-15.00)
- What is Endometriosis?
- Endometriosis symptoms, causes, diagnosis and treatment
- What QENDO does
- Living and coping with Endometriosis
- How family members or partners can help
- Other causes for pelvic pain
Rockhampton Women’s Health Centre
225 Bolsover St
Cost: $5.00/person
→ Register at: www.qendo.org.au or call (07) 3321 4408
These presentations will be followed by an informal discussion and afternoon tea, giving guests a chance to ask questions and meet other people with endometriosis.
For ALL of these events everyone is welcome to attend – endometriosis sufferers, families, teachers, nurses or anyone who would like to know more about reproductive health and endometriosis.
Don’t Suffer in Silence! Pain is not normal!
10 MARCH 2012 (09.30-18.00)
18.00: Evening event to celebrate our 10th birthday
Opening together with Gabriele Heinisch Hosek, Austrian federal minister for Women
Schwarzspanierstraße 13
1090 Wien
Entrance is free, but registration is required for lunch and dinner.
→ Register here: office@eva-info.at
1 – 31 MARCH 2012
“EVA – Endometriose Vereinigung Austria” have 5,500 large posters displayed across Austria.
On the women’s heads it says “Crybaby”, “Mimosa”, “Sissy”, and “Frigid” …and then goes on to explain:
“Don’t let your friends make your diagnosis. Extreme menstrual pain (pain with sex) can be a symptom of endometriosis.”
10 MARCH 2012 (11.00-16.00)
Inaugural Endometriosis Symposium
by The Endometriosis Network
MaRS Discovery District
101 College Street, Main Floor
Toronto M5G 1L7
→ Registration at: www.endometriosissymposium.eventbrite.ca
7 MARCH 2012
Two one-hour sessions to learn more about endometriosis
by Dr Eric Sauvanet
The Saint-Joseph Hospital
→ More information: http://www.endofrance.org/vieassociative_semaineendo2012.html
10 MARCH 2012
Highlights from the 11th World Congress on Endometriosis
by Professor Charles Chapron and Dr Panel
→ Mandatory registration at: http://www.endofrance.org/vieassociative_wce2011.html
10 MARCH 2012
Support Group Meeting
→ Registration: aquitaine@endofrance.org
2 – 3 MARCH 2012
Tagung für Betroffene und Interessierte:
Stress durch Endometriose – Endometriose durch Stress?!
MEDIAN Klinik am Burggraben – Bad Salzuflen
Alte Vlothoer Str. 47-49
32105 Bad Salzuflen
→ Informationen zu Tagung und Anmeldung unter www.endometriose-vereinigung.de
24 FEBRUARY – 1 MARCH 2012
During the last few weeks of February the Icelandic Endometriosis Society has had a number of articles published in Icelandic publications to raise awareness of endometriosis, and have featured on public radio and TV!
During their Endometriosis Awareness Week:
- There will be a published article in Fréttablaðið.
- We plan to have a banner on our Facebook page.
- The plan is also to light up the hospital in yellow on Thursday 1 March.
- We are trying to gain more media access.
- The last day of the endo awareness week, will be a yellow t-shirt day (event on Facebook) and a coffee house meeting for endo girls to meet and chat.
→ For more information: www.endo.is
10 MARCH 2012 (14.00-17.30)
Endometriosis research and treatment
by Dr Hugh O’Connor
Dr Moya McMenamin
Netanya Curtis
Lucan Spa Hotel
Co Dublin
→ Registration (free) at: info@endo.ie
or by phone or text to 086-3203855
Endo Awareness Donegal
An information stand will be placed in the main reception of Letterkenny General Hospital and in Letterkenny Institute of Technology during Endometriosis Awareness Week.
→ For further information contact Kathleen King, via the EAI email address: info@endo.ie
24 MARCH 2012 (10.00-14.00)
Endometriosis Educational Seminar
by Dr Mo’iad Alazzam with guest speaker Lone Hummelshoj
This event, which takes place at the Galway Clinic in Galway, is open to all women living with endometriosis or anyone interested in learning more about this disease. Registration is free, but you do need to register.
→ Programme [PDF]
→ Register by 20 March at endometriosisireland@gmail.com or (091) 720159.
7 MARCH 2012
Clinical dilemmas in Endometriosis in 2012
organised by David Soriano
Endometriosis center
Sheba Medical Center
→ Registration (free): marketing@sheba.health.gov.il
→ 2012-awareness-programme-Israel (PDF)
10 MARCH 2012 (08.45-16.30)
Update on best practices in endometriosis
by APE, feauring: P. Vercellini, A. Maiorana, E. Coccia, C. De Cicco, M. Malzoni, L. Minelli, V. Remorgida and A. Ussia
In the afternoon, APE will also host senator Bianconi and other politicians who will explain what endometriosis patients can expext from local government with local TV recording the roundtable with the politicians.
Chamber of Commerce in Parma
→ Reserve a place: http://www.apeonlus.com/convegno_endometriosi_10marzo.php
5 – 11 MARCH 2012
During the week, APE will open 15 information booths all over Italy, including: Firenze, Ravenna, Gorizia, Udine, Trieste, Messina, Palermo, Reggio Calabria, Bra, Ravenna, Cagliari, Taranto, Napoli, and Genova.
→ Schedule of events: http://www.apeonlus.com/dettaglio-news-527-3-11-marzo-2012-viii-settimana-della-consapevolezza-dellendometriosi
New Zealand
8 MARCH 2012 (07.45-10.00)
Endometriosis – IT’S A BIG DEAL
International Women’s Day Breakfast
Ellerslie International Flower Show
Endometriosis New Zealand’s nationwide awareness video clip Endometriosis, it’s a BIG DEAL will be launched at this high profile fundraiser, and ENZ will continue throughout the month of March to raise awareness of the disease through local initiatives.
→ Registration at: http://360endo.eventbrite.com/
→ Endometriosis is a BIG DEAL (video)
23 MARCH 2012 (at 11.00)
Doctors’ Forum
Asaba Centre
5 Erhuvwit St
off Summit Road by Benzia Hotel
→ To register call: 0706 401 0877
24 MARCH (10.00)
The Endometriosis Walk
Meet at City Mall
Lagos Island
MARCH 24 (13.00)
Open Forum
Four Points Sheraton Lagos
Plot 9/10 Block 2
Oniru Chieflainey Estate
Victoria Island
→ To register call: 0706 401 0877
In Poland, the Honorary Patronage on the informational campaign organized for the 5-11 March has been, as earlier, taken by the First Lady of the Republic of Poland Anna Komorowska. The information campaign planned for the week are organized by Polish Endometriosis Association (Polskie Stowarzyszenie Endometrioza) and Foundation For Women (Fundacja Dla Kobiet).
During the Endometriosis Awareness Week 2012 we plan the following events:
6 MARCH (10.00)
Press conference: “Endometriosis, what we know about being a woman?”
Members of Polish Endometriosis Association and invited specialists will discuss the problems related to endometriosis.
Polish Press Agency
7 MARCH 2012 (12.00-14.00 and 15.00-19.00)
Open Day
Gadka Szmatka café
Mokotowska Str. 27
10 MARCH 2012 (10.00-14.00 and 15.00-17.00)
Open Day
Cinnamon restaurant
Mikołowska Str. 9
11 MARCH 2012 (11.00-14.00 and 15.00-18.00)
Chimera – Winiarnia
Dominikańska Str. 7
Open Days are meetings and conferences dedicated both for women with diagnosed endometriosis and those who suspect they may be ill. Open Days is a great opportunity to meet other women fighting with the disease, share experiences and learn more about the methods of improving quality of life. For the women who think they may be ill it is a chance to talk to a specialist about the symptoms. Everybody will have a unique occassion to learn more about endometriosis – its symptoms, consequences, methods of diagnosis and treatment.
During the meetings there will be a possibility of consultation with the specialist we cooperate with: e.g. Joanna Pabich – Worożbit MD, Izabela Zieliśka MD, a dietetician Ilona Cichecka, MSc, and a psychologist Joanna Bylinka MA. Furthermore, the following lectures will be offerred:
➢ What is endometriosis?
➢ Can our diet influence endometriosis? Can a diet be a treatment?
➢ How to cope with chronic pain?
→ To register go to: www.pse.aid.pl
Puerto Rico
3 MARCH 2012
Circles of support and information
by Fundacion Puertorrriqueña de Pacientes con Endometriosis
The Penthouse
The Auxilio Mutuo Hospital
San Juan
Circles….. of support and information will consist of round tables led by one or two experts where patients will have the opportunity to ask questions, discuss their issues, and obtain and give support, in an informal, intimate setting that we hope will be highly interactive and productive. After 30 minutes of discussion, the group will then move to the next Circle where another topic of relevance to the patients will be discussed. Among the topics to be part of Circles are: Endometriosis 101, Wellbeing, Nutrition, Labor Law, Stress management, and Yoga. There will be a Circle for spouses and another for family members/friends.
→ To register call 787-840-2575 x2206/2192 or SMS to 787-362-2375 or send an email to endopr@gmail.com
20 MARCH 2012 (12.00-13.00)
Lunchtime Talk
NUHS Tower Block, Auditorium
→ For more information and to register: http://medicine.nus.edu.sg/obgyn/e_Endometriosis_Awareness.htm
22 MARCH 2012 (12.00-13.00)
Fun and Light Exercise Session
NUHS Tower Block Auditorium/ Staff Club (Main Building)
→ For more information and to register: http://medicine.nus.edu.sg/obgyn/e_Endometriosis_Awareness.htm
24 MARCH 2012 (14.00-17.00)
O&G GP Forum on Endometriosis
NUHS Tower Block, Auditorium
→ For more information and to register: http://medicine.nus.edu.sg/obgyn/e_Endometriosis_Awareness.htm
31 MARCH 2012 (14.00-17.00)
Public Forum on Endometriosis
NTUC Centre, Room 801
→ For more information and to register: http://medicine.nus.edu.sg/obgyn/e_Endometriosis_Awareness.htm
5 MARCH 2012 (18.00-20.00)
Members meeting in Vasastaden, Stockholm
→ To register: sanna@endometriosforeningen.com
5 – 9 MARCH 2012
Photo exhibition at the Young People´s Clinic in Sundsvall. See poster for information.
→ Information: kontaktsundsvall@endometriosforeningen.com
7 MARCH 2012 (18.30-20.30)
Members meeting in Gävle to discuss endometriosis and work-related issues.
→ To register: kontaktgavle@endometriosforeningen.com
7 MARCH 2012 (18.30-20.30)
Members meeting in Uppsala at café Konstantina to discuss endometriosis and nutrition.
→ To register: kontaktuppsala@endometriosforeningen.com
8 MARCH 2012 (17.30-21.00)
Members meeting in Gothenburg at Landsvägsgatan 13 to discuss problems to get pregnant, IVF and other related questions.
→ To register: mariebernstsson@hotmail.com
9 MARCH 2012 (18.00-20.00)
Seminar in Sundsvall, at Mitthögskolan, room 108, where our board member, associate professor Elisabet Andersson, gives a seminar and answer questions. Admission is free, registration in advanced not necessary. See poster for information.
→ More information: kontaktsundsvall@endometriosforeningen.com
20 MARCH 2012 (18.00-20.00)
Seminar at Malmö Högskola where members, medical staff, politicians and other people are invited to listen to Doctor Margita Gustafsson.
→ Registration: www.endometriosforeningen.com
→ Questions: kontaktmalmo@endometriosforeningen.com
21 MARCH 2012 (19.00-21.00)
AGM for Endometriosföreningen, Sweden and local Group Stockholm. Meeting is via webex
→ Register with Nina by 20 March at the latest: kontaktgoteborg@endometriosforeningen.com
22 MARCH 2012 (17.30-21.00)
Members meeting in Gothenburg, Landsvägsgatan 13
→ For registration and questions: mariebernstsson@hotmail.com
28 MARCH 2012 (18.30-20.30)
Members meeting in Västerås, Domherrevägen 4, to discuss: endometriosis care in Västmanland and ongoing activities.
→ For registration and questions: ordf@endometriosforeningen.com
In addition to distributing flyers and posters throughout Sweden, Endometriosforeningen will also work on getting articles into local newspapers, a follow-up of an article in the Swedish newspaper Aftonbladet in February concerning the death of one of our members due to endometriosis. We also demand to politicians to subsidise the new medicine, Visanne.
United Kingdom
1 – 31 MARCH 2012
Endometriosis UK will be launching its campaign: “Are my periods normal?”
- Production of two leaflets of easy-to-read information aimed at teenage girls and young women, one to explain periods and what to expect, and the second more specifically about endometriosis. Poster to support and signpost these materials and other activity. All materials to be produced in electronic form to be printed out as needed.
- Launch of a new free blogging micro-site, called www.aboutmyperiods.wordpress.com featuring the information above, and including case studies from other teens, blogging opportunities and signposting to other help including endometriosis-uk.org and other sites.
Regular and promotional messages posted on various social media outlets including facebook (Endo UK and Aboutmyperiods), twitter (as facebook), HealthUnlocked (Endo UK only) and Bebo (Aboutmyperiods only)
- Press release to national and regional media (to go Friday 2 March), and via members and supporters (with suggested ‘Letter to Editor’), including case studies where appropriate. Local papers already known to be featuring: Enfield & Manchester Evening News
- Articles and features on itv DayBreak (tbc) and Metro newspaper (Infocus) and in the following magazines: Healthy Magazine (Holland & Barrett’s women’s health magazine); Cosmopolitan – A. Week; Zest – A. Week. Other possible features include Daily Express, Pick-Me-Up
- Email notification out to all UK MPs during Awareness Week to share the information and the report on activity.
→ For more information: information@endometriosis-uk.org
7 MARCH 2012 (19.00-20.00)
Dian Shepperson Mills will give a talk on endometriosis available live on You Tube at The Nutri Centre.
→ Watch live at: http://www.nutricentre.com/t-video.aspx
14 – 15 MARCH 2012
3rd Annual EFA Scientific/Surgical Symposium:
Tapping the roots for the next generation
Einhorn Auditorium at Lenox Hill Hospital
131 E. 76th Street
New York City
→ Registration at: www.endofound.org/medicalconference
15 MARCH 2012 (19.00-23.00)
4th Annual Blossom Ball for Endometriosis
by the Endometriosis Foundation of America
New York Public Library
Stephen A Shwarzman Building
5th Avenue and 42nd Street
New York
→ For table and ticket information: www.endofound.org/blossomball
24 MARCH 2012 (08.00-13.30)
Living with endometriosis
A conference for teens and families
Speaker: Marc Laufer
Children’s Hospital Boston
300 Longwood Avenue
Boston, MA 02115
→ For full programme and registration: www.youngwomenshealth.org/endo_conf.html
→ More information: phaedra.thomas@childrens.harvard.edu or +1 617 355 7712
1 – 31 MARCH 2012
The Endometriosis Research Center will once again be hosting their annual Adopt a Doc campaign throughout March and beyond. Updated materials will be available to any party interested in raising awareness about the disease throughout their local physician and nursing communities. Newly updated ERC brochures are also now available.
→ To receive brochures for distribution please email askerc@endocenter.org
Launching in March, the ERC’s Girl Talk Program is delighted to present a new adolescent endometriosis education kit in partnership with the Center for Endometriosis Care.
→ To receive the education kit please email askerc@endocenter.org
Got talent?
ERC is pleased to announce a t-shirt design contest now underway to raise awareness and donations. Please contact the organizer directly for details and to submit your designs
→ rhysharper@gmail.com
→ +1 646-820-5316
For other fundraisers and various upcoming events, please visit ERC on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/EndoResCenter.
You can help raise awareness by sharing the World Endometriosis Society’s film about endometriosis, its symptoms, diagnosis, treatment options – and where to find support. Post the film on your websites, blogs, Twitter, and Facebook profiles.
Raise money for endometriosis research?
→ Contact the World Endometriosis Research Foundation (WERF) about how you can use your event to raise money for research!
Events in 2011
Get inspiration from Endometriosis Awareness Events in 2011!