Archive for September, 2012

Symptoms, treatment and support for endometriosis, a disease that affects one in ten women worldwide (176 million). From

Symptome, Therapiemöglichkeiten und Unterstützung bei Endometriose: eine Erkrankung, die jede 10. Frau weltweit betrifft. Von

Sintomi, trattamenti, e sostegno per l’endometriosi, una malattia che colpisce una donne su dieci in tutto il mondo. Da

Síntomas, tratamiento y apoyo en la endometriosis, una enfermedad que afecta a una de cada 10 mujeres en todo el mundo.

Symptomes, traitement et support pour l’endométriose, une maladie qui concerne une femme sur dix dans le monde. De

Endometriosis has recently been confused with endometritis. It is NOT the same disease: endometriosis occurs outside the uterus. Endometritis occurs inside the uterus. Neither disease is associated with abortion. Elizabeth Bruce is brave to speak out about the disease!